Sunday, November 29, 2009


Totally random post...but I love this.

If you don't watch the show Glee you are missing out. I don't care if you think I'm lame for watching it b/c it's awesome and believe it is your loss if you don't. :) Also I fully accept my nerdiness when it comes to musicals or musical shows. Anyway this was one of my favorite moments on the show. Maybe b/c I love the song "Imagine" or maybe b/c I like the concept of togetherness in this scene.

If you don't watch the show the Glee club is about to have a competition and one of the schools they are going against is a deaf school. They have a practice scrimmage and this is what comes out of it...

*Special thanks to John Lennon for bringing this song to our lives.
-youtube removed the video, here's the song though

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