Friday, November 27, 2009

Free Music Friday 10 - Where Are You Christmas? Oh that's right, you're here now, how I've missed you!

My favorite time of year is upon us!!! Those of us in TX might not have realized this quite yet, considering that it was 70 something degrees out today, but don't worry, I am delighting enough in the start of the CHRISTMAS SEASON for all of us. A big event happened today...wait for it...I GOT MY VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE!!! This brings me one step closer to being a real grown up...hmm...that's a little scary. Anyway, in honor of the event, I wanted to follow through on my tease from Tuesday and provide Christmas songs for today's FMF. These are just three of my favorites that I play on repeat for about four straight weeks, but don't be shocked to see this become a trend over the next few weeks, combined with a little of whatever I'm loving at the time of course. Hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and enjoys their Christmas preparations as much as I am!

*Disclaimer - Videos do not always provide as much entertainment as the song. Might I recommend the following...listen to the song and open up another browser. Enjoy my amazing musical taste while you work, or facebook (let's be honest), or whatever it is you do. The end.

Garth Brooks - Baby Jesus is Born

Mariah Carey - Joy to the World
Live Version:

Recorded Version: (yes it's good enough to get put on here twice)

Baby It's Cold Outside - SO many versions of this song have been done (the one in Elf is a personal fav.) but I decided to go with the original

Pictures of the tree and Tacky Christmas to come.


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