In case you haven't picked up on this, I LOVE TEACHING THIRD GRADE!!! There are many reasons this is the case, one of which is the fact that they are the source of much laughter in my life (mostly unintentional). Crazy enough we are already done with one six weeks and half way into another. This is a little late but here are a few of the highlights from their work and day to day shenangians during the first six weeks:
*Student picture with “I like hores” written across the top (assume she was going for horses)
*When writing to the postman about our favorite fairy tales one student said his is “Jack and the Peestop”
*One girl told me she wants to learn the following in third grade “What happens in our bodies when we eat” She also wants me to leave for a Tuesday and have a sub then I can come back and we will go bowling. Awesome.
*Describe the characteristics of a perfect town: Texas. I think I’ve taught them well don’t you?
*One day after recess I had a kid in another class tell me one of my kids was “humping the pole” His teacher told him she didn’t know what that meant, hoping he didn’t know either, but no, he proceeded to demonstrate this for us (we later found out his dad has taught him) and another kid pipes in with “yeah she was pole dancing”
*While talking to my kids about our author visit from Dianne Dysalvo I was asking them what her last name was. I started with Dianne and one of my kids yells out “Ross”. Impressed they even know who that is.
*My kids are huge Michael Jackson fans. One of them told me her favorite song was PYT, when I responded with oh yeah “Pretty Young Thing” they all just stared at me in shock that I would know what that was.
*Advice from third graders: “Don’t buy the Miley Cyrus cd at Walmart, it’s a waste of money, it only has 7 songs” Thank goodness for that b/c I was definitely about to go buy it.
*Weekly dance contests at recess in which we have some serious moonwalking, splits, bboxing, and break dancing taking place.
*Student writing: “I ride hores in the lobby”. Inspiration for blog title. Generally riding hores anywhere inside besides the rodeo is advised against.
*The students were asked to name three things made from steel while talking about magnets and metals…here is one response: shits. Thinking ships was the intended answer, hoping so at least.
Already got some good materials from the second six weeks as well. Until then...
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