Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Adventures of Coming Up With a Blog Title

So I have sworn up and down that I would never be a blogger.  My excuses have included things such as "I don't have time to blog", "Nobody cares what I have to say", "I'm not really deep enough to blog", and so on.  Now while all of these might be true, I have decided to join the generation of bloggers and see what happens.  Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous.  Putting my thoughts out there just really isn't my thing, but hey I'm up for the challenge.

My first hurtle as a blogger came immediately.  In order to create a blog you must come up with a title.  Not being a creative one this proved to be somewhat difficult.  All my friends who blog have these crafty, thoughtful, interesting names.  How can one compete with such wonderful bloggers with unique blog titles?  So I thought and thought (a whole 2 minutes) and started by going: through song titles (a good option my roommate always falls back on) but came up with nothing.  (Perhaps if I had given it more than 2 minutes I would have gotten there, but then there is that whole time issue thing...)  So back on track, I came up with "5 Pages on a Pencil".  Where does this come from you ask?  Let me explain.  

I can be a bit long winded.  Those of you who know me well are nodding along right now.  My friend BSmith (can you use names on here or is that illegal?...I don't think my code name is very good) always talks about how in college I could write papers that were 10 times longer than hers and that I could probably write 5 pages on a pencil.  Sadly, this is true.  I have come to terms with my long windedness (that's probably not a word, deal with it), so those who read my blog will have to as well.  This is also why my address is "carrieleighsramblings" because that is mostly what you will find here: ramblings.  And I just like using my middle name, how often do we get to do that?  I figure I have given fair warning now so continue to come back and visit when you feel like you have the time, or are just THAT bored.  I promise to try and keep my ramblings short (for me) and that I will try to find more interesting topics than a pencil.  Until then be kind or I might just have to return to being a non-blogger.


tculover said...

yeahhhh! carrie's a blogger! :)

His_Servant said...

Ok so i think your blog will be fantastic. And i know you are going to say that I am biased but that doesn't keep me from speaking the truth. SO why didn't i find out about this blog until it had been in existence for two weeks? hmmm?

Julia said...

welcome to the blog world!

Julie said...

Glad to see you not only read blogs write them too! Welcome! Perhaps your blogging will encourage me to write more frequently!